Google Music.

Google Music.


Music is entering the social networks. Google won’t let this one pass by.

With  Larry Page as CEO Google is stepping on the  product-tube. End of November a new service was launched, that could be the itunes of Google.

Google Music now is public in the U.S. and the music is also integrated into the Android Market. There you can easily listen and buy music, just as you do with apps. For the beginning Users are limited to 20.000 song uploads.  The most important difference to other music stores is tha fact that artists get 70% for every sold song, which is more than all of other networks.

Also nice is the offline feature, that let‘s the user play the recent or marked songs even without a online connection.

Music Beta lets you upload your personal music collection to listen anywhere, keep everything in sync, and forget the hassle of cables and files. Sign in to request an invite at

Google is slowly entering the social field. Since music has been a major push for Apple and is the new killer feature on Facebook, one can only assume that it might help Google to weave their social web. At least a new channel opens up and probably an alternative to Apple‘s app and music superiority.

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